Happy National Compliment Day!

It’s always a good feeling when someone takes notice of your character or your achievements. In fact, hearing a few positive words can uplift your mood almost instantly. For example, compliments such as, “You look great,” “Your speech was amazing,” “I love your haircut,” and “Congratulations on your promotion,” all tend to instill a sense of positivity within us.

Giving compliments is one of the four major components of emotional intelligence and is a good indicator of awareness of others.  Unfortunately, we live in a society where we predominantly focus on negatives. This causes our brains (which are already predisposed to negativity) focus on what’s wrong before appreciating what’s right. National Compliment Day is the perfect day to start rewiring our mindsets to look for the good in others and to articulate it to them when the chance arises.

Compliments can go a long way; for instance, they help build self-esteem and establish happiness. Children especially need positive reinforcement. When you notice your child doing something positive, such as supporting a struggling teammate, opening a door for someone, sharing a toy without being asked, or prioritizing someone’s needs before their own, you should always bear in mind that this behavior is deserving of both compliments and encouragement. As an adult or older person, it will benefit the child emotionally and psychologically to let them know that you noticed and are proud. When we are intrinsically rewarded for good behaviors, we are incentivized to continue with them.

With social media’s prevalence as a platform for communication, it’s critical to use it as a means of sharing and spreading positivity. Whenever you observe a friend accomplish a new goal, start a new career or sharing a meaningful life experience on social media, take the time to compliment them on it.

Be sure to be sincere with your compliments. Compliments laced with sarcasm or an underlying agenda are intrinsically negative and disingenuous. Also be wary of the left-handed compliment. I am left-handed, so I am not a fan of this term, but please note that a compliment should never imply or insult feelings of inferiority. For example, saying to someone, “You look better in person than in your pictures,” is not as positive as it may sound!

I urge you to take this and every day to notice the good in the people around you and to compliment them! You can really brighten their mood if you do so!


By: Inez Barberio ~ Emotional Intelligence Thought Leader, Media Contributor, Celebrity Correspondent, and Motivational Speaker.

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