Health & Wellness Motivational Speakers Covering Topics on Mental Health, Emotional Intelligence and More
US companies lose billions every year to illness, injury and disease. Companies spend even more money in market research to create better products. They invest millions in more efficient systems, and streamlined processes. Companies create whole divisions to design better marketing processes and more streamlined project management. The problem with these efforts is it takes human beings to program and design them. It takes humans to operate and oversee them. It takes humans to sell, lead, create change, and motivate and inspire the systems within. Human beings who are on a steady decline of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
Eagle Rise Speakers is built on the belief that a company focusing on the health of its employees will see higher productivity, creativity, positivity, and leadership. The foundation of this transformation is in health and wellness. Science has proven we function better, handle stress better, and lead better, when we are healthier. Because of this fundamental principle, Eagle Rise has a variety of health and wellness motivational speakers. Our professional speakers focus on nutrition, fitness, physical and mental health. Eagle Rise health industry keynote speakers want to help companies focus on their most important assets, their people. Companies who focus on this will have higher employee retention. They will have higher sales and higher levels of productivity. Healthier employees equal less health care costs, less sick pay, and less workers compensation costs.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Keynote Speakers
One of the key ingredients to high-level leadership in the workplace is the foundation of Emotional Intelligence. Individuals and businesses reach their fullest potential by learning how to identify their own core belief systems and navigate awareness of others.
Self-awareness and awareness of others are the two key components of EQ. Today, meaningful communication and relationships are diminishing as devices, online platforms and social media take hold and filter into education and the workplace.
In any organization, knowing how to effectively communicate with peers is key. Reading non-verbal cues, taking the time discover who they are, learning how to get rid of the ego and give a genuine sense of caring all lead to better results. Learning about compassion and empathy and relation to your employees as people is essential to success.
Our EQ speakers will help you better your team and environment through awareness and meaningful communication.
Physical and Mental Fitness Keynote Speakers
Today we use machines and technology to make our businesses better. Yet, we walk around in one of the most advanced self-operating machines in existence, the human body. Isn’t time to turn your crop duster into a fighter jet?
Exceptional physical and mental fitness is the key to moving the needle in our lives. Eagle Rise has many physical and mental fitness speakers who are leaders in their fields. From doctors and elite performance experts to nutritional and fitness program experts, our goal is to make you and your employees healthier leaders of themselves.
Eagle Rise will help you. We will start with your health – the productivity, growth and success will follow.