Category: News

The Power of Mindset & the Success of our Children

The Power of Mindset & the Success of our Children

The Power of Mindset & the Success of our Children I am blessed with two sons who have been academically adept since they began preschool. While I was proud of what they accomplished year after year in terms of their grades, little did I know that how I praised their accomplishments would eventually hinder their […]

National Compliment Day – The Perfect Day to Give without Receiving

National Compliment Day – The Perfect Day to Give without Receiving

Happy National Compliment Day! It’s always a good feeling when someone takes notice of your character or your achievements. In fact, hearing a few positive words can uplift your mood almost instantly. For example, compliments such as, “You look great,” “Your speech was amazing,” “I love your haircut,” and “Congratulations on your promotion,” all tend […]

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day –  January 9th Let’s remember…… Why did you put your name on the application? The first line, you wrote your name, why? I remember. Phoenix Police Officer Marc Todd Atkinson, #5930. Marc’s end of watch was March 26th, 1999. I began the academy in September 1999. Thank you Marc. For […]



EAGLE RISE SPEAKERS Seventeen Years ago in every firehouse and on bumper stickers of every firefighter’s car in the Fire Department, City of New York, were the words NEVER FORGET. What does that really mean? And have we kept our promise? After the horrific attacks of September 11th, 2001, we searched the destruction for our […]

Back to School and Emotional Intelligence

Back to School and Emotional Intelligence

Children countrywide are beginning a new school year. They are excited to see their old friends, create relationships with new friends, participate in school and extracurricular activities, meet their teachers and learn (more) about mathematics, history, science, and language arts. These subject matters undoubtedly of importance in preparing our children for their careers and adult […]

Building your Foundation of Success Through Emotional Intelligence

Building your Foundation of Success Through Emotional Intelligence

In life we are constantly faced with challenges. Anxiety and depression are on the rise and people are finding it more difficult to communicate their emotions in a healthy manner. Through emotional intelligence, we can develop the skillsets to build a strong foundation for every aspect of our lives: personally, health & wellness, relationship management, […]

One Degree Change

One Degree Change

Greg Amundson, Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur, Athlete, and Eagle Rise Speaker In the spring of 2004, CrossFit founder “Coach” Greg Glassman made a profound remark that forever changed the trajectory of my entire life. In lectures and sermons, I present around the country, I refer to this type and quality of change as a “One […]

Keynote Speaker: 5 Reasons Why Your Next Keynote Speaker Should Be Part of Your Business Development Resources

Keynote Speaker: 5 Reasons Why Your Next Keynote Speaker Should Be Part of Your Business Development Resources

Eagle Rise Keynote Speaker, Jason Redman works the massive crowd at the Combat Wounded Coalition 400 presented at the Brickyard at Indianapolis Motorspeedway. You hired an amazing Keynote Speaker for your corporate event. The speaker’s message was perfectly aligned with your organization’s mission and values. The event is an over-the-top success, people are raving about and sharing […]

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